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16.09.2021 - Website, Laser protection, News

Our story actually began in the 1970s at Zeiss Aalen, now Zeiss Vision. At that time, Zeiss was still manufacturing protection glasses and had decided to enter the production of laser protection glasses by tuning these protection glasses. Initially intended only as a supplement to its own medical lasers, Zeiss very quickly expanded the topic of laser protection to include the sale of laser protection eyewear and laser protection windows via dealers and direct sales.

In 1998, Dr. Friedrich Offenhaeuser moved to Zeiss Aalen as product manager for eye lasers at Zeiss Oberkochen (now Zeiss Meditec) in the specialist group for occupational safety and laser protection and became product manager there, among other things for laser protection.

When the area of laser protection eyewear and laser protection windows was to be dissolved at the beginning of the 2000s, the decision was clear for Dr. Friedrich Offenhaeuser. He spun off the specialist group for occupational safety and laser protection, went into business for himself and laid the foundation for our current activities with the founding of Offenhaeuser + Berger GmbH.

The designs of that time also proved to be extremely durable and timeless. The KB AL cage frame made of AlSi die-cast, which also set protection level records, dates back to this time. It has been revised and modernised and is still the flagship of our range of laser protection eyewear.

Offenhaeuser + Berger GmbH has been in business since 01.01.2001 and continues to enjoy the production of high-quality laser protection products and a rock-solid and reliable cooperation with its business partners. And now, today in 2021, we have been successfully on the market as an independent manufacturer of laser protection products for a total of 20 years.

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Laser protection, Laser protection filter, Laser protection glasses, Laser protection windows, OSH

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Which laser safety product do you need? We
offer laser safety equipment for medical,
industrial and scientific applications...


We design frames, laser safety glasses, laser
adjustment glasses, laser safety windows and
laser exit windows. We also offer detailed info...

New Products

Our novelties comprise M-certified products,
as per now also our laser protective window
type YAGhigh...

Protection level

We support you at evaluating the appropriate
scale number and selecting the required...


Offenhäuser + Berger GmbH
Meeboldstrasse 30
89522 Heidenheim, GERMANY

Phone +49 (0) 7321 480615
Fax +49 (0) 7321 480616

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